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Have you been having a hard time connecting with your pre-teen or teen?

Does it seem like, once they became a teenager, they just stopped listening?

Has there been more conflict between you lately?

Register for the next Connect series beginning February 13, 2025 

Beech Brook's Connect© Parenting Groups can help!

Momandson embracing licensed

What is Connect©?

Connect© Parenting Groups are 10 weekly sessions designed to help parents and caregivers of pre-teens and teens (ages 8-17) strengthen their relationships. This trauma-informed, evidence-based program emphasizes the importance of attachment—the "shared partnership" between caregiver and child.

A secure attachment helps children feel safe to explore, learn, and develop new relationships. It provides a balance of comfort, safety, and support for growth. While the need for attachment remains throughout life, its expression evolves as children grow.

By understanding attachment, parents can better support their child’s healthy development and strengthen their bond.

Why Choose Connect©?

Connect© Parenting Groups help navigate the challenges of adolescence as children seek more independence. Through 10 weekly, 90-minute sessions, parents and caregivers learn skills to:

  • Open communication
  • Build trust
  • Promote problem-solving
  • Reduce difficult behaviors

 Participants report feeling less stressed, more confident, and hopeful after completing the program.

Happydadanddaughter licensed
Momanddaughter talkingoncouch licensed

Who Can Benefit?

Connect© is available to biological parents, foster parents, kinship caregivers, and anyone who plays a significant role in a teen's life.

For more information about upcoming Connect© classes, please fill out the form below or contact Venezuela Robinson at vrobinson@beechbrook.org.

Register for the next Connect series beginning February 13, 2025 

(The February-April 2025 series is geared specifically for foster parents and kinship caregivers)

This program is FREE thanks to a grant from the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund. 

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