Muffy has been involved with Beech Brook for most of her life and grew up learning about how Beech Brook helps children and families. It started at a young age because her mother, Bunny Loomis, served on the Board of Directors for many years, then joined the staff as Development Director at Beech Brook. (Bunny actually ran the capital campaign that helped renovate the cottages on Beech Brook's campus in the 1970s, so her legacy still stands.)
Muffy Kaesberg
Through this exposure to the work done at Beech Brook, Muffy learned about the importance of service and giving back to your community. She says that she can remember her mother coming home talking about wanting to adopt some of the children she met at Beech Brook. In high school, Muffy did her senior project as an aide in a Special Education classroom at Beech Brook. She loved working with the children and went on to major in Psychology in college. For the first two summers of her college years, she even worked at Beech Brook as a child care worker. Muffy calls it "an experience I’ll never forget."
After earning a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and an MBA from the Weatherhead School of Management, Muffy became a certified Financial Planner. She worked at KeyBank for 16 years, but continued to stay connected to Beech Brook - one of her projects at KeyBank was to manage Beech Brook's endowment and pension plan. Through this, she worked closely with the Board of Director's Finance Committee. Eventually, she left KeyBank and started her own professional organizing business, Organizing 4 U. For 17 years, Muffy helped people organize their homes and offices.
But again, through all of this change, Muffy stayed involved with Beech Brook through her committee membership on the Services Review Committee, then joining the full Board of Directors in 2018. She previously served as the Vice Chair of Finance before being elected Board Chair this year.
Muffy is now retired but remains dedicated to service. In addition to her role as Board Chair at Beech Brook, she is also a board member and former Chair, at The Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, and is currently the Board Chair of Ohio End of Life Options. Muffy is also a member of the task force for The Hoarding Connection of Cuyahoga County. Formerly she served as a Trustee for The Cleveland Skating Club and is a founder and past Treasurer of NAPO North Coast Ohio.
Beech Brook is happy to welcome Muffy Kaesberg as Beech Brook's Board Chair - and we are proud that Muffy has chosen to continue the enduring relationship she's had with Beech Brook by taking on this new role!
It takes many partners who share our vision of a future where every child and family thrives to keep our mission alive.
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