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Tuesday, March 23, 2021
According to CNN, US lawmakers are now calling for research into the coronavirus pandemic's impact on mental health. A Covid-19 Mental Health Research Act could be introduced soon. The legislation would direct $100 million annually for five years to the National Institute of Mental Health to fund research on the... Continue Reading
Monday, February 15, 2021
Chronic and persistent stress. That is what this pandemic is causing. The Covid-19 pandemic has created a lot of pressure on families, and their kids have now been dealing with this pandemic for a full year. It seems like people have hit a wall. I am now frequently getting calls from... Continue Reading
Thursday, September 17, 2020
We knew going in that this would be a year of change for Beech Brook. Over the past months, we have found ourselves in a situation none of us could have imagined…Something we’ve never experienced before. But as an organization, Beech Brook has “seen it all.” After 168... Continue Reading
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
So, what can we do to move forward? The issue of police brutality remains in the news. It has always been an issue, but it has come to the surface and we must deal with it (and other forms of systemic racism) now. Beech Brook staff have spent the last... Continue Reading
Thursday, June 04, 2020
I have been consistently watching the news about the protests and riots. I watch different news channels to make sure I get different perspectives. I monitor Facebook and Twitter to see what people are saying about the murder of George Floyd and about the events unfolding before our eyes. This... Continue Reading
It takes many partners who share our vision of a future where every child and family thrives to keep our mission alive.
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