Thursday, March 25, 2021

Beech Brook's innovative PAR program is the epitome of partnering with purpose

Impact is not about what you do—how many people you serve, how long you’ve been in existence, or how far your service area reaches. It’s about the positive change you achieve and whether or not it lasts. This statement, which has long stood as an introduction to the Alliance for Strong... Continue Reading

Monday, January 04, 2021

Beech Brook development would benefit children

I’ve read about the political jockeying in affluent Pepper Pike to halt a building project on the grounds of non-profit Beech Brook. There is now discussion about changing current zoning rules to make it even harder -- if not impossible -- for Beech Brook to sell its property. Lost in all... Continue Reading

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Advocates Worried Number of Kids in Foster Care Dropping Amid COVID-19

CLEVELAND — With COVID-19 closing down daycares and schools moving remote, Ohio has a critical need for more foster parents. Many children are slipping through the cracks: Fewer of them are in foster care since the pandemic hit and screened in referrals have dropped a little over 10%, said Jacqueline Fletcher... Continue Reading

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Social Justice Movements have Impact on Mental Health

The country has recently been experiencing one of history’s largest periods of social justice advocacy with movements like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo. Or the constant struggles against anti-Semitism or child and domestic abuse. According to Mark Groner, clinical director at Beech Brook, and Megan Rochford, program director and professional clinical... Continue Reading

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Companies learn that more employees can work from home permanently: Top Workplaces 2020

By Peter Krouse, CLEVELAND, Ohio – Working from home isn’t a new thing. It’s just never been done to the extent we’re doing it now. Even corporate cultures steeped in traditional office conventions have learned to navigate Zoom, Microsoft Teams and other forms of remote communication that have kept their operations... Continue Reading

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