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Resources for Kids and Parents

Sometimes you may need a little extra help when coping with your teen's changing behaviors, your young child's temper tantrums, or even your own frustrations as a parent. 

Beech Brook is here to help.

We created tip sheets and videos on a variety of topics to help parents and kids alike in areas such as stress management, talking with your child about their sexual health, and managing your anger. 

Resources Guide - PDF and links

Getting Started

Tips and videos centered on general topics related to our services, such as explaining how telehealth appointments work and the benefits meeting your therapist in the fresh air. 

Back to School - A Beech Brook Animation

Going back to school can make kids feel a little bit nervous. Talking to someone from Beech Brook could be the help that they need!

A Social Story for young children that helps explain the ways they can safely meet their therapist outside for their appointments.

What is Telehealth? A Social Story for Young Children

Help your child understand how telehealth works in this short video geared for younger children.

Resource Category

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